
Peer Reviewed Articles

Research on Environment, Security, and Conflict

M.F. Johnson, L.A. Rodríguez, and M. Quijano Hoyos*. 2024. Governing after FARC: Environmental Peacebuilding in Caquetá, Colombia. The Journal of Peasant Studies:  1–28.

Krampe, F., D. O’Driscoll, M.F. Johnson, D. Simangan, F. Hegazi, C. de Coning. 2024. Climate Change and Peacebuilding – Subthemes of an emerging research agenda. International Affairs 100(3): 1111-1130. DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiae057

M.F. Johnson, T. Ide, and J. Gonzalez Cruz*. 2023. Conceptualizing Resilience within Environmental PeacebuildingCurrent Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (65): 1-7.

Ide, T., M.F. Johnson, J. Barnett, F. Krampe, P. Le Billon, L. Maertens, N. von Uexkull, I. Vélez-Torres. 2023. The Future of Environmental Peace and Conflict ResearchEnvironmental Politics 32(6): 1077-1103. DOI:

Vélez Torres, I. and M.F. Johnson. 2023. Decolonising Environmental Security in The Future of Environmental Peace and Conflict ResearchEnvironmental Politics 32(6): 1094-1097.

Johnson, M.F. 2022. Local Engagement in Environmental Peacebuilding: Examining the Band-e-Amir Protected Area Committee as a Peacebuilding Mechanism in Afghanistan. Development in Practice 32(6): 755-767, DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2021.1937538.

Johnson, M.F., L.A. Rodríguez, M. Quijano Hoyos. 2021Intrastate Environmental Peacebuilding: A Review of the LiteratureWorld Development 137: 1-18. DOI:

Johnson, M.F. 2021. Fighting for Black Stone: Extractive Conflict, Institutional Change, and Peacebuilding in Sierra Leone International Affairs 97(1): 81-101. DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiaa056 (Part of the January 2021 special issue of International Affairs on ‘Environmental peacebuilding’, guest-edited by Tobias Ide, Carl Bruch, Alexander Carius, Geoffrey D. Dabelko and Erika Weinthal)

Johnson M.F., R. Laurent*, and B. Kwao. 2020Constructing a Crisis: The Effect of Resource Curse Discourse on Extractive Governance in GhanaThe Extractive Industries & Society 7(3): 965-974DOI:

Johnson, M.F. 2019. Who Governs Here? Informal Resource Extraction, State Enforcement, and Conflict in Ghana.  Global Environmental Change 58: 1-11.

Johnson, M.F. 2017. Institutional Change in a Conflict Setting: Afghanistan’s Environment Law. European Journal of International Relations 23(1): 168-191.

Johnson, M.F., N. Kanderian, C. Shank, H. Rahmani, D. Lawson and P. Smallwood. 2012. Setting Priorities for Protected Area Planning in a Conflict Zone – Afghanistan’s National Protected Area System PlanBiological Conservation 148(1): 146-155.

Kretser, H., M.F. Johnson, L. Hickey, P. Zahler, E. Bennett. 2012. Wildlife Trade Products Available to U.S. Military Personnel Serving AbroadBiodiversity and Conservation 21(4): 967-980.

Research on Energy, Environment, and Agriculture Governance in the US Midwest

Colby, A.C., M.F. Johnson, C. Hammond Wagner, Chloe B. Wardropper. Market approaches to sequester soil organic carbon on farms: Justifications and suggested transformations from embedded market actors. Accepted for publication with Agriculture and Human Values.

Anderson, S.R.* and M.F. Johnson. 2024. The Spatial and Scalar Politics of a Just Energy Transition in Illinois. Political Geography 112: 103128.

Vogel*, K., M. F. Johnson, and A.G. Sveinsdóttir. 2023. Communities at Risk for Mobilization: Neoliberal Governance and the (un)Contentious Politics of the Dakota Access Pipeline in Rural IllinoisJournal of Rural Studies 99C: 134-143.

Sveinsdóttir, A. and M.F. Johnson. 2023. Doubling Down on DAPL: The contentious politics of pipeline governance in Illinois. Environmental Politics 32(5): 861-882DOI:

Research on Conservation Social Science

Gonzalez Cruz*, J. and M.F. Johnson. 2024. Towards a spectrum of dissent: A content analysis of Hawai‘i’s invasive species media. NeoBiota 92: 315-348.

Gonzalez Cruz*, J. and M.F. Johnson. 2022. Invasive Species in Post-2020 Global Environmental PoliticsGlobal Environmental Politics 22(2): 12-22. DOI:

Johnson, M.F., K. Karanth, and E. Weinthal. 2018. Compensation as a Policy for Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflict Around Four Protected Areas in Rajasthan, India. ​Conservation & Society 16(3): 305-319.

Hudson, L.N., T. Newbold, S. Contu…M.F. Johnson…et al. 2017. The database of the Predicts (Projecting responses of ecological diversity in changing terrestrial systems) projectEcology and Evolution 7(1): 145-188.

Johnson, M.F., C. Hannah, L. Acton, R. Popovici, K.K. Karanth, E. Weinthal. 2014. Network Environmentalism: Citizen Scientists as Agents for Environmental AdvocacyGlobal Environmental Change 29: 235-245.  

Johnson, M.F., A. Gómez, M.A. Pinedo-Vasquez. 2008. Land Use and Mosquito Diversity in the Peruvian AmazonJournal of Medical Entomology 45(6): 1023-1030.

Book Chapters and Other Works

Weinthal, E. and M.F. Johnson. 2018. Post-War Environmental Peacebuilding: Navigating Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources. In Routledge Handbook of Environmental Conflict and Peacebuilding, ed. Ashok Swain and Joakim Öjendal: Routledge.

​Johnson, M.F. 2017. Strong Institutions in Weak States: Institution Building, Natural Resource Governance, and Peacebuilding in Ghana and Sierra Leone. Doctoral Dissertation. Durham: Duke University. 

Working Papers

Guske, E.*, M.F. Johnson, M. Novoa. Resisting the Dakota Access Pipeline in Iowa through Insurgent Planning Tactics. Submitted to Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.

Rubiano Lizarazo, M.J.*, L. Aya, L.A. Rodríguez, and M. F. Johnson. Peace and Parks in the Colombian Amazon. In advanced prep.

Professional Reports

Johnson, M.F. 2008-2010. Recommendation to the National Environmental Protection Agency on listing protected and harvestable wild species in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Wildlife Conservation Society and the Afghanistan Wildlife Executive Committee. Kabul, Afghanistan. Pp 1-208.

Johnson, M.F. and J.R. Wingard. 2010. Wild Fauna Trade in Afghanistan. Wildlife Conservation Society. Kabul, Afghanistan. Pp 1-75.

Johnson, M.F., N. Kanderian, C. Shank. 2009. National Protected Area System Plan of Afghanistan. Wildlife Conservation Society. Kabul, Afghanistan. Pp 1-59.

Kanderian, N., M.F. Johnson, C. Shank, H. Rahmani, R. Sanger. 2009. The faunal approach to identifying Afghanistan’s biodiversity priority zones. Wildlife Conservation Society. Kabul, Afghanistan. Pp 1-89.

Kanderian, N., C. Shank, M.F. Johnson, H. Rahmani. 2009. Identifying priority zones for a protected area network in Afghanistan. Wildlife Conservation Society. Kabul, Afghanistan. Pp 1-59.

* Indicates a graduate student working in Dr. Johnson’s lab.

**Indicates an undergraduate student working in Dr. Johnson’s lab.